When I started this web site and blog to share my writing and hopefully generate feedback from the public, I couldn't think of a name for it, so I just called it "Ron Levi - Author." My fraternity brother Marcus, an entrepreneur in Washington D.C., solved that for me by coming up with Levi's Genes. Aside from my first book about hockey, this site has really become about genetic research and the world of adoptions and foundlings. I have spent countless hours and a good chuck of change learning the ins and outs, helping others and keeping up with some of the latest advances in the field. I've had some incredible teachers along the way too, and it's all been due to the the study of my genes - so, thanks, Marcus!
If you know of any attorneys or agencies considering the probative benefits of genetic genealogy, please share my site with them. If you need a hand building your own tree or family charts and reports, I can help with that too. Don't worry, Spitting Image is still at the top of my list. Another sneak peak is coming soon.