One year after Spitting Image was first published in ebook, paperback, and hardcover versions, the audiobook is now available just in time for National Adoption Month! Search for Spitting Image Levi on Apple Books, Google Books, Scribd, or even your local library. Audible is not far behind. You'll be able to find it there in a few days as well.

If you feel like you can't fit another thing into your day, this is great news! Listen while you drive and spend your daily commute with me. We'll go deep into family dynamics, genetic genealogy, multi-racial and blended families, as well as child abandonment and the intricacies of making contact for the first time with long lost generations and miraculous discoveries along the way. Every chapter draws you closer to a universal truth that is as plain as it is elusive.
National Adoption Month Promotion
In recognition of November as National Adoption Month, the launch price is $9.99 for retail and $19.95 for libraries. Beginning December 1st, the retail price will be $12.95 and the library price will be $26.95. Get yours now and buy a paperback or hardcover for everyone on your Christmas list. A list of links to the sources for ordering is below. If your preferred provider is not listed, just ask them for the title by name or tell them that the ISBN number for the audiobook is 9781735880549.
Retail and Library Availability 11/09/2022
3Leaf Group / Axiell / Baker & Taylor / Bibliotheca / Bidi / EBSCO / Follett / hoopla / MLOL / Odilo / Overdrive / Perma-Bound / Ulverscroft / Wheelers / 24symbols / Anyplay / Apple / / AudiobooksNow / AudiobooksNZ / BajaLibros / Beek / BingeBooks / Bokus Play / Bookmate / Chirp / Cliq / Downpour / eStories / Google Play / Hummingbird / Instaread / Kobo, Walmart / Leamos / Libro.FM / Milkbox / Nextory / NOOK Audiobooks / Scribd / Storytel / Ubook